An Overview of Breasts Implants

breast implants

Breast implants are artificial devices your plastic surgeon surgically inserts beneath your breast tissue to enhance your breast size and shape. They are silicone shells, either filled with silicone gel or saline. About three point five million people in the United States have breast implants. Sixty percent of East Windsor breast implants contain silicone gel. Your surgeon customizes your implants to ensure they fit appropriately. You are a good candidate for breast implants if you have finished developing, have good physical health, and have realistic expectations.

When should you consider breast implants?

Restore previous breast size: Breast implants can help restore breast size after pregnancy, weight loss, or due to aging.

Correct asymmetrical: Breast asymmetry is common but is more prominent if breast tissue in one of the breasts is damaged before you go through puberty.

Restores breast after mastectomy: Breast implants can restore your feminine feature if you have had your breast removed due to cancer or other severe health issues.

Boost confidence: Breast implants can help boost your self-esteem and breast appearance.

What are the different types of breast implants?

Breast implants can be saline or silicone gel based. Silicone gel implants are shells filled with a plastic gel called silicone, while saline implants are filled with sterile salt water. Most women say silicone gel implants feel more natural than saline ones. Both types of breast implants are designed in different sizes and are either smooth or textured shells.

Risks and complications of breast implants

Breast implants can lead to various risks, which include:

Common breast implant complications include breast pain, changes in nipple and breast sensation, scarring, bleeding, BIA-ALCL, and infection. You may also experience scar tissue forming and hardening in the region around your implants; breasts may appear asymmetrical, and breast implant illnesses like fatigue, memory loss, and rash.

What is breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)?

BIA-ALCL is a form of lymphoma that affects the tissue adjacent to breast implants. It mostly happens when you have textured shell breast implants. It is not breast cancer but a type of immune system cancer. BIA-ALCL develops in the fluid and fibrous capsule around your implant. It can spread to lymph nodes near your breast and other body parts in advanced cases.

Common symptoms of BIA-ALCL include changes in breast size or shape. Often, one breast spears larger than the other or different in shape. The affected breast may swell or harden. You may also experience lumps or pain in your breast or armpit and redness or a skin rash on or around the affected breast.

The main BIA-ALCL treatment is implant removal. Your surgeon may remove the implant, surrounding fibrous capsule, and any masses. Surgery may be the only treatment necessary if your BIA-ALCL is in the early stages and your surgeon manages to remove the entire capsule. If cancer has spread, you may need other treatment options, including radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Breast implants are silicone gel or saline-filled shells that help enhance your breast’s size and shape. They help improve your body image and self-esteem. Schedule an appointment with Matthew J. Lynch, MD, for breast implant surgery to change the size and shape of your breasts.

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