Busting TMJ Treatment Myths: What You Need to Know

TMJ Treatment Myths

Do you suffer from TMJ disorder and struggle to find effective treatment options? You’re not alone. Millions of people experience pain, discomfort, and other symptoms associated with TMJ, which affects the temporomandibular joint. Unfortunately, many myths and misconceptions surround TMJ treatment, making it difficult to know what works and what doesn’t. Let us look into some of the most common Carthay TMJ treatment myths, debunk them, and give you the information you need to make informed decisions about your health.

Myth #1: There’s no cure for TMJ

While there is no one-size-fits-all cure for TMJ, many treatments will help alleviate the symptoms. Treatment options include lifestyle changes, physical therapy, medication, and surgery in some cases. The key to finding the right treatment for you is working with a healthcare professional with experience in treating TMJ.

Myth #2: TMJ only affects older people

While it is true that TMJ is more common in older adults, it can affect people of all ages. It is estimated that around 10 million Americans are affected by TMJ. This condition is more common in women than men and often occurs between the age of 20 and 40.

Myth #3: You need surgery to treat TMJ

Surgery may be an effective treatment for some people with TMJ. Most people with TMJ may manage their symptoms with more conservative treatments, such as physical therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. Surgery is only recommended for people with severe or persistent symptoms that have not responded to other treatments.

Myth #4: TMJ is caused by stress

Stress may increase TMJ symptoms, but it is not the sole cause. TMJ is caused by various factors, including injury to the jaw or face, arthritis, and even genetics. Identifying the underlying cause of your TMJ is a step in finding the right treatment for you.

Myth #5: You should avoid chewing gum if you have TMJ

While it is true that chewing gum may cause TMJ symptoms for some people, it is not a universal rule. Some people find that chewing gum helps alleviate their symptoms by promoting jaw movement and reducing stiffness. If you have TMJ, listen to your body and avoid activities that cause discomfort.

Myth #6: There’s no point in seeking treatment for TMJ

Many people with TMJ may feel no point in seeking treatment because they believe nothing can be done to help them. However, this could not be further from the truth. Seeking treatment for TMJ will help manage symptoms and prevent the condition from worsening over time. 

Myth #7: You can’t prevent TMJ

There is no guaranteed way to prevent TMJ; however, you can take steps to reduce your risk. These include practicing good posture, avoiding repetitive jaw movements, and wearing a mouthguard if you grind your teeth at night. 

The key to successful treatment is a collaborative approach between patients and their healthcare providers based on the most up-to-date and accurate information available. Speak to a specialist at Smile Perfector Dental Group to learn more.

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